Report Equivalent Training

By clicking 'Submit Training Report' below, your organization is attesting that the Director of Training, Director of Human Resources, or equivalent job title, is attesting that the below staff member(s) or the staff member(s) on the enclosed training roster file has successfully completed Cultural Competency and Health Literacy (CCHL) training which has fulfilled the following core concept training objectives.

CCHL Training Objectives:
1. Define and describe cultural competency.
2. Define and describe health literacy.
3. Recognize the potential consequences of limited understanding of cultural diversity.
4. Identify appropriate resources to address cultural and linguistic gaps.

Please download and use the following Roster Template to Upload.
Roster Template Sample

File name:

File size:

If for some reason you were not able to upload the roster and attest online, here is a link to the Attestation Letter that you can fill out and mail to CCN:

Care Compass Network
33 Lewis Rd.
Binghamton, NY 13905

Attestation Letter

For auditing purposes, your organization will make their current Cultural Competency and Health Literacy training modules available upon request.

* Required fields for electronic submission

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Title Date Posted
Director Health Planning Council of the Human Services Coalition 01-19-2018
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