What is DSRIP in NYS?

Performing Provider System (PPS)

In New York, the organizations responsible for the creation and implementation of a DSRIP project are called Performing Provider Systems (PPS).

DSRIP initiatives give states funding in order to help change how each PPS provides care to Medicaid beneficiaries. Every person enrolled in Medicaid is assigned to one and only one In New York, there are 25 PPSs across the entire state.

PPS Responsibilities

  1. Conducting a needs assessment
  2. Creating and implementing a DSRIP plan based on the needs assessment
  3. Meeting and reporting on DSRIP plan milestones

PPSs and the DSRIP Workforce Process

As part of the DSRIP implementation plan, each PPS has identified their current workforce, what their future workforce will look like, and how to turn their current workforce into their future workforce.

The overall process looks like this:

Overall process

Health WorkForce NY works with 3 PPSs in the New York area on DSRIP initiatives:

Central New York Care Collaborative (CNYCC)

The CNYCC is a collaboration between more than 1,400 healthcare and community-based service providers located throughout the following New York Counties:



The goal of the CNYCC is to create a better system of care for all patients in this region, specifically focused on Medicaid and uninsured patients.

CNYCC Partner List

Leatherstocking Collaborative Health Partners (LCHP)

LCHP’s PPS currently has more than 80 providers working to transition health care towards patient-centered care, collaboration, better access, and reduced costs of health care. LCHP covers the following counties:

LCHP map


LCHP Partner List

LCHP Project List

Care Compass Network (CCN)

Comprised of over 180 partner organizations, CCN is a non-profit community organization created to champion new models of providing Medicaid beneficiaries with higher quality care, while reducing expenses through care coordination and community-focused care and education.

CCN map


List of all CCN partners

For More Information

New York State Department of Health - DSRIP PPS map