Register for Coleman Care Transitions Intervention Core Training (PA_068)

“The on-site, in-person Care Transitions Intervention core (CTI) training is a day and a half and will be hosted on the 28th and 29th of March at CNYCC. Participants will be trained on the CTI, a self-management model and will learn how to incorporate CTI tools into the role of Transitions Coach so that they become second nature. Attendees will also participate in a highly interactive simulation-based face-to-face CTI training experience. Course Materials: (if any) CNYCC will process the registration to The Care Transitions Program®.  An email with a link and password to access *required* pre-work will be sent to each attendee once all attendees have been registered.
Attendees will be required to complete the web-based pre-work (three 1 hour modules) and the Care Transitions Intervention® (CTI) Tools Review one week prior to the training date.
Attendees should also review two CTI tools: The Patient Activation Assessment and the Medication Discrepancy Tool. These tools will be used in the CTI training and can be found here
Please click the green “Take this Course” button in the upper right to register for the on-site, in-person CTI core training at CNYCC on March 28-29.

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1.  Identify an individual who will be attending the on-site Coleman Model® training.
2. Once trained, attendee will function as a Transitions Coach® and implement the Care Transitions Intervention® (CTI) Tools at their respective organizations.


Registration Closed
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