Kris Merchant

  • Kris changed the description of the group Group logo of New York State Association for Rural Health (NYSARH)New York State Association for Rural Health (NYSARH) from ""The voice for rural New York."

    NYSARH is a not-for-profit, non-partisan, grassroots membership organization working to preserve and improve health and human services in rural New York State.

    NYSARH advocates at the national and state levels on behalf of its membership."; to "Welcome to the community group for New York State Association for Rural Health's Student Collegiate Chapter network.

    By participating in the Community, student members become apart of the state-wide effort of addressing health needs and problems. This space connects members with avenues for locating internships and employment, provides direct links to local and state-wide resources, and empowers members to effect positive change in rural health through grassroots efforts, both within and without NYSARH.

    Each Student Collegiate Chapter's respective community page can be found in the listing on the right, yet only members of each respective student chapter have access to these pages.

    For questions, concerns, or inquiries, please contact Kris Merchant at" 8 years, 3 months ago